Korotkov K.G.

Defended the thesis of the candidate of physical and mathematical


Korotkov K.G.

Defended his doctoral thesis on gas discharge discharge. sciences on discharge visualization.


Gimbut B.C.

The diagnostic capabilities of the modified method Kirlian in obstetrics. Dissertation of the candidate of medical sciences. Rostov-on-Don. RNIIAP.

AJ Ashcheulov

Diagnostic and prognostic value of gas discharge visualization (Kirlian effect) for clinical practice. Dissertation of the candidate of medical sciences. Voronezh.


Zaitsev SV

Discharge image in patients with asthma and their changes under the influence of medication treatments and acupuncture. Dissertation of the candidate of Medical Sciences, St Petersburg.


AP Boychenko

The study of interaction of low-current avalanche discharge with silver halide photographic emulsion. Thesis of the candidate physical and mathematical sciences. Krasnodar.

Sadikov, A

Computer visualization, parametrization and analysis of images of electrical gas discharge (in Slovene), Dissertation. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Ljubljana.


EV Kryzhanovsky

Control method of liquid-phase objects based on gas discharge visualization. Dissertation of the candidate of technical sciences. St. Petersburg

Strukov EY

Features of gas discharge visualization in the evaluation of the functional state of the organism in the preoperative period. Dissertation medical sciences. St. Petersburg. BMA.


Korotkova Anna

The method of gas-discharge imaging bioelectrography in studies of psychophysiological state of qualified athletes : dissertation PhD in Psychology Sankt-Petersburg


Frolkov, Vladimir

Development of special types of optical fibers for control systems: dissertation ... D. thesis : 05.11.07. - St. Petersburg, 2007.

Perov Vladimir

A method for visualization of the focus of excitation of the pregnant rat uterus: dissertation Biological Sciences "Kuban State Medical University"]. - Krasnodar

Karkavtseva Irina

Physiological justification of adequate physical load distribution of different metabolic power in a year-long cycle of training of skilled hockey players: dissertation ... Candidate of Biological Sciences : 03.00.13.- Arkhangelsk

Tolokonin Artem

Development and substantiation of a diagnostic complex for the assessment of functional reserves of the organism in the practice of regenerative medicine : dissertation Medical Sciences Federal State Institution "Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology".- Moscow

Priyatkin Nikolay

Methods and devices of gas-discharge imaging for assessment of environmental impact on the state of biological objects : dissertation ... CandidateofTechnicalSciencesSt. Petersburg


Minaev Sergey

Individual selection of dental materials as an element of the clinical protocol of patients treated with fixed prosthetic constructions : dissertation Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry,- Moscow

Nardina Irina

Influence of electromagnetic radiation of EHF range on the state of immunity and hemostasis in patients with chronic venous insufficiency. dissertation "Chita State Medical Academy".- Chita

Alkhimov Vasily

Development and optimization of the gas-discharge transducer for visualization of the spatially modulated fields of X-ray radiation of nano- and picosecond duration and creation of non-destructive control devices on its basis : dissertation Alt. State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov] Tomsk


Grishentsev Aleksey

Hardware-software complex of human psychophysiological state estimation by analyzing high-frequency currents from skin surface : doctoral dissertation Sankt-Peterburg State Electrotechnical University (LETI)


Luneva, Olga

Chronodiagnostics of preclinical health disorders in athletes and pathophysiological justification of their chronocorrection: dissertation Medical North-Ossetian State Medical Academy - Vladikavkaz

Velichko E.N.

Hardware-software complex of evaluation of psychophysiological state of an athlete. Dissertation Technical Sciences. Saint Petersburg. SPbGUITMO


RA Kolomiec

Bioengineering system based on Kirlian effect for the analysis of liquid-phase objects. Dissertation of the candidate of technical sciences. Vinnitsa.


AV Mokrousov

Hardware-software system for the analysis of paintings and gas discharge on the surface of the skin in the area of biologically active points. Dissertation technical sciences. Novosibirsk.

Botoeva, Natalya

NatalyaInfluence of climatic-helio-geophysical factors on spatial and temporal organization of vital functions and adaptation reactions of human organism: dissertation Medicine North-Ossetian State Medical Academy– Vladikavkaz


Nguyen Thi Lan

Assessment of species diversity and condition of woody plants in parks and gardens of St. Petersburg: Dissertation in Biology S.M. Kirov State Forestry Engineering Academy. - St. Petersburg

Korobka I.E.

Diagnostic capabilities of gas-discharge imaging method for determining the autonomic status of patients with arterial hypertension. dissertation medical sciences. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. Moscow.


Saktaganova, Tilla

Special psychological training of highly qualified female boxers: on the example of the national team of Kazakhstan: dissertation psychological sciences : National State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Health St. Petersburg

Myachina, Olga

Disability of population in conditions of anthropotechnogenic load and scientific substantiation of the technology of monitoring of integral and individual health indicators with the aim of preventing morbidity: dissertation Doctor of Medicine, First Moscow State Medical University

Rodina Yulia

Improvement of psychological preparedness of high qualification yachtsmen by methods of personal self-regulation. Ukraine


Banayan, Alexandra

Psychophysiological factors of the success of sports activity of highly qualified Paralympians (on the example of ice hockey-sledge) : dissertation .Psychological Sciences "National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P. F. Lesgaft, Saint Petersburg